This could be a minute for some women or up to 6 minutes for others. Instead, focus on pumping in massage mode for as long as it takes to initiate a let-down.

There is no set time on how long you have to pump in let-down mode. You will know that you are in massage (let-down) mode when the cycle speed shows 70 CPM on the screen. In order to activate massage mode, you must hit the button with the 3 waves. Spectra starts out in expression mode when you turn your pump on. If you need to initiate a letdown at the start or any time during your pumping session, you need to be in massage mode. The cycle level, and your vacuum strength can range from L1-L5. The bacon symbol is displayed on the upper left corner of your pump’s screen. Massage Mode: In massage mode, your cycle speed is locked at 70 cycles per minute.

Adjust your pump cycle speed to a level that your body responds to best. After a letdown is initiated and the milk is flowing, you should be in expression mode.
Manual spectra breast pump plus#
Spectra has 6 cycle levels that can be increased or decreased using the plus and minus buttons. When a baby is hungry and feeding at the breast, they will try to initiate a milk letdown by suckling faster. Think of the cycle speed on a breast pump in comparison to how a baby nurses. The cycle speed on a breast pump is determined by cycles per minute (CPM) and this measures how many times the pump pulls or sucks and releases per minute. Now that you’ve been introduced to each button and their function, let’s get you acquainted with Spectra’s settings and what each one is used for. Project Type: Informational / Category: Pumping and Breastfeeding Whereas, the Spectra S2 (the pink version) does not have a built-in battery. The only differences between Spectra S1 and S2 is that the S1 (the blue version) comes with a rechargeable battery, giving it the ability to be cordless and perfectly portable. The nice thing about the two most common Spectra Breast Pump models S1 and S2, is that the buttons and settings are the same. In all seriousness though, we will go over all of the important Spectra S1 and S2 settings and get you ready to use your Spectra like you’ve known her forever!
Manual spectra breast pump how to#
It’s likely that you’re here because you’re ready for some instruction on how to use the settings on that cute little Spectra Breast Pump you’ve been playing touch and go with.Īnd you need detailed answers to questions like, what is that button for with the bacon icon?